
Michael Crawford - It Only Takes a Moment Soundtrack Lyrics

Michael Crawford – It Only Takes a Moment Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Wall-E” Animation (2008) ]  It only takes a moment
For your eyes to meet and then
Your heart knows in a moment
You will never be alone again
I held her for an instant
But my arms felt sure and strong
It only takes a moment
To be loved a whole life long…
I missed a few words back there, Mr Jackl. Right after ‘it only’– …Takes a moment!
For your eyes to meet and then
Your heart knows in a moment
You will never be alone again
He held her for an instant
But his arms felt sure and strong
It only takes a moment-
He held me for an instant
But his arms felt safe and strong
It only takes a moment
To be loved a whole life long
And that is all
That love’s about And we’ll recall when time runs out
That it only took a moment
To be loved a whole life long! [Michael Crawford – It Only Takes a Moment Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Wall-E Animation (2008)
Name "Wall-E" Animation (2008)

Picture/Poster Cover

Michael Crawford - It Only Takes a Moment Soundtrack Lyrics

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