
Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl Soundtrack Lyrics

Jet – Are You Gonna Be My Girl Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “What Happens in Vegas” Movie (2008) ]  Go!! So 1, 2, 3, take my hand and come with me
because you look so fine
and i really wanna make you mine. I say you look so fine
that I really wanna make you mine. Oh, 4,5,6 c’mon and get your kicks
now you dont need that money
when you look like that, do ya honey. Big black boots,
long brown hair,
she’s so sweet
with her get back stare. Well I could see,
you home with me,
but you were with another man, yea!
I know we,
ain’t got much to say,
before I let you get away, yea!
I said, are you gonna be my girl? Well, so 1,2,3, take my hand and come with me
because you look so fine
and i really wanna make you mine. I say you look so fine
that I really wanna make you mine. Oh, 4,5,6 c’mon and get your kicks
now you dont need that money
with a face like that, do ya. Big black boots,
long brown hair,
she’s so sweet
with her get back stare. Well I could see,
you home with me,
but you were with another man, yea!
I know we,
ain’t got much to say,
before I let you get away, yea!
I said, are you gonna be my girl? Oh yea. Oh yea. C’mon!
I could see,
you home with me,
but you were with another man, yea!
I know we,
ain’t got much to say,
before I let you get away, yea!
Uh, be my girl.
Be my girl.
Are you gonna be my girl?! Yea [Jet – Are You Gonna Be My Girl Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category What Happens in Vegas Movie (2008)
Name "What Happens in Vegas" Movie (2008)

Picture/Poster Cover

Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl Soundtrack Lyrics

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