
Buzz Junkies - If You Love Me Soundtrack Lyrics

Buzz Junkies – If You Love Me Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “What Happens in Vegas” Movie (2008) ]  If you love me If you love me I don’t wanna rain on this parade
But I’m starting to question the love that was made
I’m not looking for just an affair
I want a love that is based on truth not just dare You will not hurt my pride
If right now you decide
That you are not ready to settle down
But if you want my heart
Then it’s time that you start
To act like you’re mine in the light and the dark If you love me, say it
If you trust me, do it
If you want me, show it
If you need me, prove it If you love me, say it
If you trust me, do it
If you want me, show it
If you need me, prove it If you love me, say it
If you trust me, do it
If you want me, show it
If you need me, prove it If you love me, say it
If you trust me, do it
If you want me, show it
If you need me Baby don’t you know?
Say it, do it, show it, prove it
Say it, do it, show it, prove it You see now actions speak louder than words
So don’t just say things that I’ve already heard
Don’t want your body without your soul
I don’t want a love who will come here and go You will not hurt my pride
If right now you decide
That you are not ready to settle down
But if you want my heart
Then it’s time that you start
To act like you’re mine in the light and the dark If you love me, say it
If you trust me, do it
If you want me, show it
If you need me, prove it If you love me, say it
If you trust me, do it
If you want me, show it
If you need me, prove it If you love me, say it
If you trust me, do it
If you want me, show it
If you need me, prove it If you love me, say it
If you trust me, do it
If you want me, show it
If you need me, prove it If you want me, need me, trust me, love me, love me
Want me, need me, trust me, Baby don’t you know? If you love me, say it
If you trust me, do it
If you want me, show it
If you need me, prove it If you love me, say it
If you trust me, do it
If you want me, show it
If you need me, prove it If you love me, say it
If you trust me, do it
If you want me, show it
If you need me, prove it If you love me, say it
If you trust me, do it
If you want me, show it
If you need me, prove it If you love me [Buzz Junkies – If You Love Me Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category What Happens in Vegas Movie (2008)
Name "What Happens in Vegas" Movie (2008)

Picture/Poster Cover

Buzz Junkies - If You Love Me Soundtrack Lyrics

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