
Matt White - Love Soundtrack Lyrics

Matt White – Love Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “What Happens in Vegas” Movie (2008) ]  And love ..
Such a silly game we play, oh,
Like a summer’s day in May.
What is love, what is love?
I just want it to be love
oooh. oh I, I, I, I, I .. I can feel it in your kiss
It just gives me tender bliss
What is love, what is love?
I just want it to be love
oooh. oh. When I feel you around,
I was mad as hell when I hit the ground.
When I see you laugh away
It hurts but I just won’t say,
uh uh uh. Loveee … Who can tell me? I am lost.
I just think that I am strong.
What is love, what is love?
I just want it to be love.
ooooh ooh. When I feel you around,
I was so upset we fell on the ground
When I see you mad at me
It was such a silly thing
ooooooh And love ..
Such a silly game we play,
Like a summer’s day in May.
What is love, what is love?
I just want it to be love
ooooh. oh and I, I, I, I, I, I can feel it in a kiss
It is something I will miss
What is love, what is love?
I just want you to be love [Matt White – Love Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category What Happens in Vegas Movie (2008)
Name "What Happens in Vegas" Movie (2008)

Picture/Poster Cover

Matt White - Love Soundtrack Lyrics

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