
Ian Dury - One Love Soundtrack Lyrics

Ian Dury – One Love Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “What Happens in Vegas” Movie (2008) ]  One looks for happiness
One longs to find a partner
One knows that nowadays
One love will be the answer One sees a crazy world
One needs a fresh perspective
One comes to realise
One love’s a true objective One seeks a perfect verb
One learns to tell the difference
One finds in consequence
One love is all that makes sense One hopes there’ll be a way
One peers into the distance
One thinks that come what may
One love will be the best chance One love, and only one
One love to last forever
One love, only one love
One love, it’s now or never One tries to draw a line
One draws a swift conclusion
One tells oneself in life
One love is the solution One falls in love at last
One celebrates the meeting
One always will because
One love cannot be beaten One love, and only one
One love with no misgivings
One love, only one love
One love, while we’re still living One tries to draw a line
One draws a swift conclusion
One tells oneself in life
One love is the solution One falls in love at last
One celebrates the meeting
One always will because
One love cannot be beaten One love, and only one
One love to last forever
One love, only one love
One love, it’s now or never One love, and only one
One love with no misgivings
One love, only one love
One love, while we’re still living [Ian Dury – One Love Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category What Happens in Vegas Movie (2008)
Name "What Happens in Vegas" Movie (2008)

Picture/Poster Cover

Ian Dury - One Love Soundtrack Lyrics

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