
Mayer Hawthorne - A Strange Arrangement Soundtrack Lyrics

Mayer Hawthorne – A Strange Arrangement Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Why Did I Get Married Too?” Movie (2010) ]  We took the long and steady road
And from the start you had a heart of gold, you broke the mold
I never thought you would decide
The grass was greener on the other side of love’s divide You were everything that I wanted and more
Now we can’t go back where we started, never be like before Darlin’ me and you, we had a strange arrangement
But you broke all the rules and I’m through with playing the fool for love
Darlin’ yes it’s true we had a grand engagement
But I can’t stand by while you break my heart in two, oh
I’ve got to be a man, baby I’ve got to take a stand So now we gone our separate ways
But in my heart I feel the burning flames of love’s remains
Now I have to find somebody new
But all who dare will be compared to you
What can I do? You were everything that I dreamed I would find
Now we can’t go back where we started this is the end of the line Darling me and you we had a strange arrangement
But you broke all the rules and I’m through playing the fool for love
Darlin’ yes it’s true we had a grand engagement
But I can’t stand by while you break my heart in two, oh
I’ve got to be a man, baby I’ve got to take a stand Me and you, we had a strange arrangement
But you broke all the rules and I’m through playing the fool for love
Darlin’ yes it’s true we had a grand engagement
But I can’t stand by while you break my heart in two, no
I’ve got to be a man, baby I’ve got to take a stand [Mayer Hawthorne – A Strange Arrangement Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Why Did I Get Married Too? Movie (2010)
Name "Why Did I Get Married Too?" Movie (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Mayer Hawthorne - A Strange Arrangement Soundtrack Lyrics

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