
The Jarmels - A Little Bit Of Soap Soundtrack Lyrics

The Jarmels – A Little Bit Of Soap Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “X-Men: First Class” Movie (2011) ]  (Bert Berns) A little bit of soap
Will wash away your lipstick on my face
But a little bit of soap
Will never, never, never ever erase
The pain in my heart and my eyes
As I go through the lonely years
A little bit of soap
Will never wash away my tears Mmm, a little bit of soap
Will wash away your powder from my chin
A little bit of soap
Will never, never, never ever begin
To take away the hurt that I feel
As I go through the lonely years
A little bit of soap
Will never wash away my tears, mmm, mmm, mmm Have you heard when love begins to die
It leaves someone to cry night and Day
Like a bird, you left your robin’s nest
And-a just like all the rest you flew away Mmm, a little bit of soap
Will take away your perfume eventually
But a little bit of soap
Will never wash away the memory
Of your name in the night
That I call through the lonely years
A little bit of soap
Will never wash away my tears I’ll never lose the memory of your name in the night
That I call through the lonely years
A little bit of soap will never wash away my tears
Mmm, a little bit of soap-a
Will never wash away my tears Mmm, it’s gonna never, never, never
Uh-huh, wash away my tears [The Jarmels – A Little Bit Of Soap Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category X-Men: First Class Movie (2011)
Name "X-Men: First Class" Movie (2011)

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The Jarmels - A Little Bit Of Soap Soundtrack Lyrics

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