
Wednesday 13 - Gimme Gimme Blooshed Soundtrack Lyrics

Wednesday 13 – Gimme Gimme Blooshed Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Night of the Demons” Movie (2011) ]  Gimme Gimme Bloodshed
Gimme Gimme Hell Yea Open your eye’s sweet mary jane
Take a look around
Your miles away from anyone
And no one can hear a sound
And your not-not-knocking on the heaven’s door while
Your chained to a dirty floor
Your sunshine just got lower into
Into an early grave Gimme Gimme Bloodshed
Gimme Gimme Hell Yea
Gimme Gimme Blood shed
Oh Yea Gimme Gimme Bloodshed
Gimme Gimme Hell Yea
Gimme Gimme Blood shed
Oh Yea Your blood is red sweet mary jane and you know it’s true
It’s dripping from your body now and
and it’s filling up this room
And your scream scream screaming but no one hears a thing
Because your locked away
And your sunshine just got lower into
Into an early grave Gimme Gimme Bloodshed
Gimme Gimme Hell Yea
Gimme Gimme Blood shed
Oh Yea Gimme Gimme Bloodshed
Gimme Gimme Hell Yea
Gimme Gimme Blood shed
Oh Yea Gimme Gimme Bloodshed
Gimme Gimme Hell Yea
Gimme Gimme Blood shed
Oh Yea Gimme Gimme Bloodshed
Gimme Gimme Hell Yea
Gimme Gimme Blood shed
Oh Yea Now i, have a confession,
A love affair with smith and wesson,
Brutality is my obsession,
And i can never get enough! Gimme Gimme Bloodshed
Gimme Gimme Hell Yea
Gimme Gimme Blood shed Gimme Gimme Bloodshed
Gimme Gimme Hell Yea
Gimme Gimme Blood shed
Oh Yea Gimme Gimme Bloodshed
Gimme Gimme Hell Yea
Gimme Gimme Blood shed
Oh Yea Gimme Gimme Bloodshed
Gimme Gimme Hell Yea
Gimme Gimme Blood shed
Oh Yea Gimme Gimme Bloodshed
Gimme Gimme Hell Yea
Gimme Gimme Blood shed
Oh Yea Gimme Gimme Bloodshed
Gimme Gimme Hell Yea
Gimme Gimme Blood shed
Oh Yea [Wednesday 13 – Gimme Gimme Blooshed Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Night of the Demons Movie (2011)
Name "Night of the Demons" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Wednesday 13 - Gimme Gimme Blooshed Soundtrack Lyrics

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