
Anne & Gilbert Cast - Mr. Blythe Soundtrack Lyrics

Anne & Gilbert Cast – Mr. Blythe Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Anne & Gilbert” Musical (2010) ]  Every young girl in Avonlea is about as close to heaven as she can be if you don’t know why then I guess you didn’t hear Mr.
Blythe who makes the girls of Avonlea sigh, Mr. Blyhe the best lookin’ boy on P.E.I Mr. Blythe is gonna be my teacher this
year Once in a while I’ll break the rules teacher will be forced, to keep me after school, please vacation end for the fun
begins in fallmr. Blythe, sittin on his desk recitin rhymes, Mr Blythe, no one cuter in the maritimes Mr. Blythe, I never
want to graduate at all. Good afternoon Mr. Blythe! Good afternoon Mr. Blythe! Hello Gilbert! Hello Josie. Mr. Blythe! Mr.
Blythe! You’re not just beautiful. Mr. Blythe! Mr. Blythe! You’re not just wonderful to see! Mr. Blythe! Mr. Blythe! In my
heart of hearts! You will always be Gilbert to me! Every day we’ll dress up cause you can bet, we’ll be tryin we’ll be buyin
to be the teacher’s pet! Even with the flu we’ll go to school every day.Mr. Blythe! Cause you’re my teacher you’re a man! Mr.
Blythe! I’ll do my homework when I can! Mr. Blythe! If only you’d get over, Anne!Mr. Blythe! Mr. Blythe! You’re not just
beautiful. Mr. Blythe! Mr. Blythe! You’re not just wonderful to see! Mr. Blythe! Mr. Blythe! Mr. Teacher! You will always be
Gilbert! I love you Gilbert! You will always be Gilbert to me! [Anne & Gilbert Cast – Mr. Blythe Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Anne & Gilbert Musical (2010)
Name "Anne & Gilbert" Musical (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Anne & Gilbert Cast - Mr. Blythe Soundtrack Lyrics

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