
Anne & Gilbert Cast - Our Duty Soundtrack Lyrics

Anne & Gilbert Cast – Our Duty Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Anne & Gilbert” Musical (2010) ]  Marilla(spoken):
Rachel, you know I’ve never felt right about Anne giving up college to stay home and care for me
If you came to live at green gables I could manage just fine Rachel(spoken):
This is just charity Marilla Marilla(spoken):
Charity? Marilla(singing):
Rachel you know me better than anyone
We’ve been Friends for a century
You know the pain
that I feel at the sacrifice
Dear Anne Shirley has made for me
Oh it’s hard for me to ask for help
So the only thing that I can do
is remind you, Rachel
of the way we were raised
and the things your mother
often said to you
You always told me
that your mother told you
What her mother told her before
She’d say the same thing to you
that she’d say
to a son who was going to war
For some do well
some do wrong
the laggards look for beauty
But we presbyterian women know that what we do is our duty
Our duty,our duty
What we do is our duty
There’s wax on the floor
and there’s jam in the pantry Rachel(singing):
Company has to have tea
We won’t go to bed
till the dishes are done Both(singing):
and we’ve no time for fiddle-dee-dee Marilla(singing):
And when we hear a cry for help
We always heed the call
we presbyterian women place
our duty over all Both(singing):
Our duty, our duty
Our duty over all Marilla(singing):
Thomas would want to stay in Avonlea
Thomas would surely understand
I can hear him saying
“Stop your blathering Rachel
and go give Marilla a hand”
You always told me
that church was impotant Both(singing):
But neighborliness is the core Marilla(singing):
We stick together
We do for each other Both(singing):
Cause that’s what old friends are for Marilla(singing):
You’ll be my eyes
when lights are dim Rachel(singing):
I am good company Both(singing):
We presbyterian women find
The strength in unity
Our duty, our duty
what we do is our duty
Our duty, our duty
Saved by our sense of duty Rachel(singing):
Marilla you know there’s one thing more
my sainted mother said
you’re never safe from suprises
till you’re dead [Anne & Gilbert Cast – Our Duty Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Anne & Gilbert Musical (2010)
Name "Anne & Gilbert" Musical (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Anne & Gilbert Cast - Our Duty Soundtrack Lyrics

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