
Ashlee Hewitt - Fairy Tale Soundtrack Lyrics

Ashlee Hewitt – Fairy Tale Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Elle: A Modern Cinderella Tale” Movie (2011) ]  1, 2, 3 This world can knock you down,
If you get off the ground,
(?) Make your heart and see now that they will,
There are scared that you will
Become something cool,
Making fun of you for living out your fantasy You’re a bird that soars, above them all,
Don’t let them clip your wings You’ve taken all your falls, and all your faith is gone
You tried find a friend, when jealousy kept finding them,
(?) Just think of what you’d miss, you’d give up and quit,
Don’t lose yourself; my damage caused a new regret,
You know that time is heals wounds,
So stop believing, it’s true,
Go live that fairy tale inside of you You barely making it, think all our pieces fit
Your finally on your way, nothing can go wrong
Then a glimpse of doubt, will bring you crashing down
And all the good within, struggling to breathe again Something deep inside that pulls you up again
Nothing can stop you now You’ve taken all your falls, and all your faith is gone
You tried find a friend, when jealousy kept finding them,
(?) Just think of what you’d miss, you’d give up and quit,
Don’t lose yourself; my damage caused a new regret,
You know that time heals wounds,
So stop believing, it’s true,
Go live that fairy tale inside of you You’ve taken all your falls, and all your faith is gone
You tried find a friend, when jealousy kept finding them,
(?) Just think of what you’d miss, you’d give up and quit,
Don’t lose yourself; my damage caused a new regret,
You know that time heals wounds,
So stop believing, it’s true,
Go live that fairy tale inside of you,
Go live that fairy tale inside of you,
Fairy tale inside of you [Ashlee Hewitt – Fairy Tale Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Elle: A Modern Cinderella Tale Movie (2011)
Name "Elle: A Modern Cinderella Tale" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Ashlee Hewitt - Fairy Tale Soundtrack Lyrics

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