
Harlem Shakes - Strictly Game Soundtrack Lyrics

Harlem Shakes – Strictly Game Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Kitchen” Movie (2013) ] (Ooh, ooh, ooh …) Up from the basement to my best friend’s farm
Where we’ll work so hard, we can do no harm We’ll till the land and duck our debts
Underneath soft sun, chewing Nicorette This will be a better year
This will be a better year Make a little money, take a lot of shit
Feel real bad, then get over it This will be a better year Oh I keep pushing boulders
I stay game till sun’ll shake my shoulders
Oh, I keep feeling older
I stay game, stay game, stay game The East Coast kids, man, we just don’t know
Singing wait, wait, stop, drop me, go, go, go
But I’m taken by the hand to a blue pay phone
We can break blue laws with our skin and bones And now I’m back in the city, I’m counting Brick, Brick, Brick
Heard of milk crate kings, speaking soft and thick
He said, “If life gives you lemons, then thus god bade.
So put a little bit of bitter in your pink lemonade” I’m sick of thee sheep, I’m sick of thou shepherd
Sick of dressing like a human when I’m feeling like a leopard
I’m sick of slow rock, I’m sick of quick quips
Sick of holding on to nothing when I just want to hold your hips This will be a better year
This will be a better year Make a little money, take a lot of shit
Feel real bad, then get over it This will be a better year Oh I keep pushing boulders
I stay game till sun’ll shake my shoulders
Oh I keep feeling older
I stay game, stay game, stay game (Nah, nah, nah…) [Harlem Shakes – Strictly Game Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Kitchen Movie (2013)
Name "The Kitchen" Movie (2013)

Picture/Poster Cover

Harlem Shakes - Strictly Game Soundtrack Lyrics

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