
Miranda Cosgrove - Dancing Crazy Soundtrack Lyrics

Miranda Cosgrove – Dancing Crazy Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “iCarly iSoundtrack II” TV (2012) ]  I’ve got a feeling that it’s gonna be alright,
We don’t know where we’re goin’ and I don’t know where I’m at,
I’m kinda thinkin’ I don’t like nobody else,
You know whatever happens, I will be right by your side, You, me in the spotlight,
Running around till the end of the night,
Hot, hot keep it comin’,
We can rock out till the early morning,
You, me, going all night,
We don’t care who’s wrong and who’s right,
Hot, hot, keep it comin’,
We can rock out till the early morning, Everybody’s dancin’ dancin’ crazy,
And we never stop, never stop,
Everybody’s ragin’, ragin’ crazy,
Put your hands up,
Put your hands up,
I like you and you like me,
We get together and we’re happy,
Did you hear me say that?
Did you, did you, did you hear me say that?
And I like the way that we kiss,
You and me together like this,
Did you hear me say that?
Did you, did you, did you hear me say that?
Snap! Another night,
And so just crank that music up,
We don’t know where we’re goin’,
And I don’t know where I’m at,
It doesn’t matter cause we always know what’s up,
I know whatever happens,
You will be right by my side, You, me in the spotlight,
Running around till the end of the night,
Hot, hot, keep it comin’,
We can rock out till the early morning,
You, me, going all night,
We don’t care who’s wrong and who’s right,
Hot, hot, keep it comin’,
We can rock out till the early morning, Everybody’s dancin’, dancin’ crazy,
And we never stop, never stop,
Everybody’s ragin’, ragin’ crazy,
Put your hands up,
Put your hands up,
I like you and you like me,
We get together and we’re happy,
Did you hear me say that?
Did you, did you, did you hear me say that?
And I like the way that we kiss,
You and me together like this,
Did you hear me say that?
Did you, did you, did you hear me say that?
Snap! Oh, oh, uh, oh, Everybody’s dancin’, dancin’ crazy,
And we never stop, we never stop,
Everybody’s ragin’, ragin’ crazy,
Put your hands up,
Put your hands up, Everybody’s dancin’, dancin’ crazy,
And we never stop, we never stop,
Everybody’s ragin’, ragin’ crazy,
Put your hands up,
Put your hands up,
I like you and you like me,
We get together and we’re happy,
Did you hear me say that?
Did you, did you, did you hear me say that?
And I like the way that we kiss,
You and me together like this,
Did you hear me say that?
Did you, did you, did you hear me say that?
Snap! [Miranda Cosgrove – Dancing Crazy Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category iCarly iSoundtrack II TV (2012)
Name "iCarly iSoundtrack II" TV (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Miranda Cosgrove - Dancing Crazy Soundtrack Lyrics

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