
Marcus Goldhaber - As Long As I'm Falling in Love Soundtrack Lyrics

Marcus Goldhaber – As Long As I’m Falling in Love Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Going Down in La-La Land” Movie (2012) ]  I walk with a smile on my face,
I’m walkin’ all over the place,
I feel like there’s nothin’ that can bother me at all. I whisper “hello” to a girl,
She offers to give it a whirl,
Holdin’ hands, we stroll along the way,
Say, I like how I feel…
As long as I am falling in love. I put in a long day at work
And I can feel everything hurt,
When suddenly there’s a pair of eyes lookin’ at me.
And even before I can think,
She offers to buy me a drink,
Oh how beautiful a laugh can be,
See, I like how I feel…
As long as I am falling in love. I don’t mind the afterwards
When lovers get much closer.
As long as I keep falling down
With no weight on my shoulders. I love when my happiness soars
And destiny opens the doors,
My world is completely filled with possibilities. For even a brush past my skin
And I can feel something within
Quivering, delivering a sigh, oh my,
I like how I feel…
As long as I am falling in love. [Marcus Goldhaber – As Long As I’m Falling in Love Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Going Down in La-La Land Movie (2012)
Name "Going Down in La-La Land" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Marcus Goldhaber - As Long As I'm Falling in Love Soundtrack Lyrics

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