
Brother Nolan - Coconut Girl Soundtrack Lyrics

Brother Nolan – Coconut Girl Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Pineapple Express” Movie (2008) ]  Who take my lady from de tropical island
Who take my lady to the Hollywood scene
Who flash the money on her body and her red lips
Who put my baby on the shutter fall trip
Say goodbye to your coconut girl
Hey local boy sayin goodbye
She’s a coconut girl in a high fashion world Someone’s got her pinup and her poster in the bedroom
Lately I been feeling like I don’t have any leg room
Good-bye coconut girl
Hi hello high fashion world Take me to the house where the lights are on her all night
Take me to the paradise of celluloid extreme
Because someone’s got a camera in my neighborhood
And my intuition’s tellin me it ain’t so good
I wanna see the purpose of the makeup and the skin cream
Good bye lady Say goodbye to your coconut girl
Hey local boy saying good bye
She’s a coconut girl in a high fashion world
uh Someone’s got her pinup and her poster in the bedroom
Lately I been feeling like I don’t have any leg room
Good-bye coconut girl
hi hello High fashion world Take me to the house where the lights are on her all night
Take me to the paradise of celluloid extreme
Because her pictures on the cover of a magazine
And she’s got me all shaken like a ?? I wanna see the purpose of the makeup and the skin cream
Good bye lady
Say goodbye to your coconut girl
Hey local boy saying good bye
She’s a coconut girl in a high fashion world Who take my lady from de tropical island
Who take my lady to the Hollywood scene
Who flash the money on her body and her red lips
Who put my baby on the shutter fall trip
Say goodbye to your coconut girl
Hey local boy sayin goodbye
She’s a coconut girl in a high fashion world say goodbye coconut girl
hi hello hi fashion world
goodbye coconut girl
hi hello high fashion world
Hey local boy sayin goodbye
She’s a coconut girl in a high fashion world [Brother Nolan – Coconut Girl Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Pineapple Express Movie (2008)
Name "Pineapple Express" Movie (2008)

Picture/Poster Cover

Brother Nolan - Coconut Girl Soundtrack Lyrics

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