
Robert Palmer - Woke Up Laughing Soundtrack Lyrics

Robert Palmer – Woke Up Laughing Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Pineapple Express” Movie (2008) ]  I was waiting for you
I was sat in the sun
I could picture your face on the tip of my tongue
I woke up laughing
I broke into a sweat
I broke into a run
You were hot in my heels so I hired a gun
I woke up laughing
I was flat on my back
I was taking a plunge
It was making a stand but my plan was undone
I woke up laughing
Well I planned an escape for the middle of june
But I drug too fast and I fire too soon
I woke up laughing
Woke up laughing You make yourself a fortune, out in hong kong
You sit at home and wonder whether you were wrong
You take a small vacation just to keep sane
You find on your return your home has blown away
You meditate, you make haste
You run a risk, you come late,
You pay a bill, you lose face
Youre not fully unaware
Your star or your fate
If you fall do you break
You go to war, you make love
You sign out in a box Repeat whole song [Robert Palmer – Woke Up Laughing Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Pineapple Express Movie (2008)
Name "Pineapple Express" Movie (2008)

Picture/Poster Cover

Robert Palmer - Woke Up Laughing Soundtrack Lyrics

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