
Rodriguez - Like Janis Soundtrack Lyrics

Rodriguez – Like Janis Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Searching for Sugar Man” Documentary (2012) ] And you measure for wealth by the things you can hold
And you measure for love by the sweet things you’re told
And you live in the past or a dream that you’re in
And your selfishness is your cardinal sin And you want to be held with highest regard
It delights you so much if he’s trying so hard
And you try to conceal your ordinary way
With a smile or a shrug or some stolen cliche’ But don’t you understand, and don’t you look about
I’m trying to take nothing from you
So why should you act so put out for me? ‘Cos emotionally you’re the same basic trip
And you know that I know of the times that you slip
So don’t try to impress me, you’re just pins and paint
And don’t try to charm me with things that you ain’t And don’t try to enchant me with your manner of dress
‘Cos a monkey in silk is a monkey no less
So measure for measure reflect on my said
And when I won’t see you then measure it dead ‘Cos don’t you understand, and don’t you look about
I’m trying to take nothing from you
So why should you act so put out,
And sit there in wonder and doubt, for me? [Rodriguez – Like Janis Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Searching for Sugar Man Documentary (2012)
Name "Searching for Sugar Man" Documentary (2012)

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Rodriguez - Like Janis Soundtrack Lyrics

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