
Rodriguez - Sugar Man Soundtrack Lyrics

Rodriguez – Sugar Man Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Searching for Sugar Man” Documentary (2012) ] Sugar man, won’t you hurry
‘Cos I’m tired of these scenes
For a blue coin won’t you bring back
All those colors to my dreams Silver magic ships you carry
Jumpers, coke, sweet Mary Jane Sugar man met a false friend
On a lonely dusty road
Lost my heart when I found it
It had turned to dead black coal Silver magic ships you carry
Jumpers, coke, sweet Mary Jane Sugar man you’re the answer
That makes my questions disappear
Sugar man ‘cos I’m weary
Of those double games I hear Sugar man, Sugar man, Sugar man, Sugar man,
Sugar man, Sugar man, Sugar man Sugar man, won’t you hurry
‘Cos I’m tired of these scenes
For the blue coin won’t you bring back
All those colors to my dreams Silver magic ships you carry
Jumpers, coke, sweet Mary Jane Sugar man met a false friend
On a lonely dusty road
Lost my heart when I found it
It had turned to dead black coal Silver magic ships you carry
Jumpers, coke, sweet Mary Jane Sugar man you’re the answer
That makes my questions disappear [Rodriguez – Sugar Man Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Searching for Sugar Man Documentary (2012)
Name "Searching for Sugar Man" Documentary (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Rodriguez - Sugar Man Soundtrack Lyrics

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