
Shelley Miller - Fool for Loving You Soundtrack Lyrics

Shelley Miller – Fool for Loving You Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Critical Nexus” Movie (2012) ] fell out of the house and into your hands
diamond promise of the promised land
I took it on faith, I was too young to wait I was just trying to keep myself warm
went looking for fire, found a summer storm
it blew me down south, knocked the words from my mouth I don’t know where I’m going but I know that I can’t stay
seven years is more than long enough
to try and look the other way
I’d rather be broken-hearted than broken down with you
you call me a fool for leaving,
better than a fool for loving you we built a little house of stone and lies
just ’cause it’s not what I hoped for
don’t mean it’s a big surprise
watch you set ’em on up, drink your words from the cup I don’t know where I’m going but I know that I can’t stay
seven years is more than long enough
to try and look the other way
I’d rather be broken-hearted than broken down with you
you call me a fool for leaving,
better than a fool for loving you every answer has a question,
somewhere down there in that well
throw your pennies in the fountain,
buy your ticket out of hell
every answer has a question,
somewhere down there in that well
throw your pennies in the fountain,
buy your ticket out of… I don’t know where I’m going but I know that I can’t stay
seven years is more than long enough
to try and look the other way
I’d rather be broken-hearted than broken down with you
you call me a fool for leaving,
better than a fool for loving you [Shelley Miller – Fool for Loving You Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Critical Nexus Movie (2012)
Name "Critical Nexus" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Shelley Miller - Fool for Loving You Soundtrack Lyrics

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