
Shelley Miller - Happiness Soundtrack Lyrics

Shelley Miller – Happiness Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Critical Nexus” Movie (2012) ] tightrope walking again
over the same words
we never say
anything at
always talk about it later
look cute
don’t make a sound
we never say much
but at least we don’t fall down ’cause nothing’s as contentious
as our happiness
and nothing makes me
want to fight you more
and nothing makes me happier
than lucky, lucky you
always coming back for more we’re on the same plane
feeling the same emotions
going down, down, down
caught on the same page
I say I’ll race you
to the end
we never say much
but at least we don’t fall down ’cause nothing’s as contentious
as our happiness
and nothing makes me
want to fight you more
and nothing makes me happier
than lucky, lucky you
always coming back for more catch a cricket
catch a ghost on your tongue
it’s all the same
doesn’t matter now
just wrap me up in pretty pop songs
say we’ll talk about it later
all we talk about
is how we’d rather shout about it ’cause nothing’s as contentious
as our happiness
and nothing makes me
want to fight you more
and nothing makes me happier
than lucky, lucky you
always coming back for more don’t make a sound
don’t make a sound
don’t make a sound
just smile pretty
try not to fall down [Shelley Miller – Happiness Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Critical Nexus Movie (2012)
Name "Critical Nexus" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Shelley Miller - Happiness Soundtrack Lyrics

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